• after the storm

    They say, after the storm, the sun shines… in the bigger scheme of things, I feel this to be true. Happiness and distress, they come and go, like ocean’s waves. It’s easier to reflect back on the storm, and realize just how many treasures have been brought out to the shore as a result of that intense time. Those treasures might be wisdom, compassion, maybe realization, maybe surrender. But there’s art to being INSIDE such storm. How can we ride the waves and not sink?

  • after the storm

    For the past few months, I’ve been reflecting BACK, wondering, when the next storm comes, how can I not sink yet again? How can I prepare ahead? I know that I need to act now, in order to face it with more dignity and grace next time. If you’ve read thus far thinking I’m going to share my solution, I have to admit I don’t have a fully formed one just yet. I know it has to do with taking shelter of the right things when it seems the only way is to dissociate, distract myself, close off, and try to just not feel. I’m still working it out…

  • after the storm

    For now, I simply wanted to share my meditation for this collection, titled “After the storm…” and add some context to your experience of it. To me, these pieces, these little oceanic treasures, symbolize that silver lining of our “storms”, the not so easy times in life. I pray we all learn to see it, even in the moments of intense distress. I hope these pieces serve as reminders for us all that it is possible to find at least one simple treasure in any circumstance. Thank you for reading, thank you for being here, thank you for being you.

